Creating my yearbook spread was fairly straightforward once I had an idea of what I wanted to do, but the process it took me to get there was long and tiring. I first wanted to think about myself as a person. What my interests were, what my upbringing was, how that shaped me. I considered the changes I have gone through and the factors which may have encouraged those changes. At this point in my brainstorming process I tried to really decide which parts of my life were important for me to weave into my yearbook spread, and which parts i could probably leave out. From here I started to think about the visual aspects of the assignment. Taking into account the important aspects of who I am I tried to come up with symbols and shapes which I thought really represented who I am. I chose to include several doodles of elements of nature, for example the snail. As a child I loved the outdoors and would often spend hours playing outside, even in the pouring rain. I then started to doodle my name in different ways and I eventually decided on the thick, heavy, but curvy and fun text I used. I think I just liked how it looked, and the assignment is all about me so it fit! I decided on my colour scheme of red and pale blue because those are two colours which I think fit with my personality well. I am pretty strong willed and stubborn. I am also very energetic, which led me to the decision to include red as a strong recurring colour throughout my spread. However, I’m also very shy when I first meet people and am fairly introverted, which led to my use of pale blue accents throughout the assignment.