Cindy Sherman is an American artist who works primarily in film and photography. She was born in 1954 and attended Buffalo state college for visual arts. She is well known for using her self in her photos, often “dressing up” to portray characters. I happened to be lucky enough to see her work when they were at the Vancouver art gallery last year and I was astounded by her ability to completely disappear as a person behind her makeup and costumes, but also leave reminders that the person you’re looking at in the photo isn’t a real person. The below image struck me especially when I first
saw it. Here Cindy portrays herself from the perspective of the patriarchy. She is dressed in a school girl uniform, something which is often over sexualized in the media, and looks vulnerable and afraid. Often fear in women has been portrayed as “playing hard to get”, and Sherman’s perspective in this shot perfectly displays this. This image is striking and disturbing, and yet incredibly honest. I thought that this next image was the perfect example of what Cindy is best known for. Her characters. She is clearly not Cindy, and has completely disappeared behind this character, however, you can see the creases in the makeup and you can tell it’s a wig. She has left hints that this is in fact a facade. Sherman is incredible at doing this and the results are striking images. Some might describe her work as fitting into the “uncanny valley”, a term used to describe things which are eerily similar to looking human. Some of her work is more obviously fake, like the below image. The background looks photoshopped in and the characters clearly have heavy makeup on, looking
almost plastic. These photos are really interesting because everything she wishes to portray about a person is purposeful. So the things she chooses to leave rather undisguised, for example the lack of prosthetics in this image, she finds unimportant in portraying this character as opposed to the hat and bright sweater. Much of her work also enters into the grotesque featuring distorted bodies and faces and eerie settings. for example, “Untitled Pregnant Woman”. This image is incredibly disturbing, portraying a pregnant woman who’s shirt
has been ripped and soaked through and who’s hair is matted and tangled. the heavy makeup only adds to the confusing image and her facial expression is only stern and calm. It’s a puzzling piece, begging many questions. However, it still holds a sense that it isn’t a true image. Sherman has worked with many different artists as well as brands, and has especially been entering the world of fashion.
Jeff Burgess
Good post on Cindy Sherman an artist I greatly admire. Your information is solid and pretty well written. You can tell her work resonates with you. Couple things here, the set-up of your eportfolio site is rather awkward when your type does strange things wrapping around the images. Also when I go to look at past comments all that shows up is a blank space where you need to scroll your mouse across the comment box to see the written text… strange.
Anyhow you will lose 4 points for not posting blog 2 & 4. Lastly I’ve corrected the final quiz and your score is 36/50 which is a B-. Hope you have a great holiday break.