LBST 330 – Response Paper 3

Summary of Assignment

Here is a PDF link to my Response Paper #3

We were asked to watch Villenueve’s Arrival film and to write a more elaborate paper of the responses provided in Papers #1 & #2, by including these points:

a) How has the reflection undertaken so far in Module 2 shifted and/or deepened your emerging or already chosen research topics, and the ways you envision proceeding? Has one of the suggested topics, or may be a new one, emerged as the more compelling option?

b) Taking on this film, and reflecting on previous materials and discussions, do you foresee new ideas to approach your research going forward with your tutorials and/or Graduating Project? Include for example a reflection on your personal history, limitations, normalized assumptions on the field, and other contextual considerations that you want to be mindful of as a way of engaging in a situated dialogue with your topic.

c) How do you foresee adapting methods or creating new procedures for your project? The final way will be up to your negotiation with the situation, but what do you imagine happening?

The additional instructions for this assignment were to watch the movie while observing the following:

  • What is the role each character represents regarding approaches to research?
  • Can an open (open to fair ‘play’) dialogue be established while following previously set procedures (or methods)?
  • In which ways the development of a ‘language’ in the movie, plays the role of finding a situated ‘method’ to understand the other?
  • What is the role context plays in the way research is pursued in the movie?




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