Hieroglyphics is originally a Greek word with “Hiero” meaning holy and “Glyphics” meaning marks/writing – together meaning “holy writings”.The Egyptian hieroglyphics are picture-like carvings implemented by Egyptian priests or scribes around 3000 B.C.E. there were over 700 unique signs that were simple symbols such as animals, plants, the sun, body parts, etc. As scripts of the Egyptians were the main source of communication during this time period, they were additionally used to pass cultural religion and government from one generation to the next. The Egyptian hieroglyphics showed stories of people’s lives during that time with the advances in farming, crafts, and trade.
The Rosetta Stone

For over 2000 years Scholars could not decipher the Egyptian hieroglyphics until the Rosetta Stone came along. During the 19th century, the stone made of granodiorite stele assisted scholars to finally understand the confusing Egyptian hieroglyphics. The Rosetta Stone was inscribed in 3 languages, Hieroglyphs, Egyptian demotic script, and greek. In the late 1700s during the napoleons expeditions, the french army came upon the Rosetta Stone and was soon deciphered by french scholar Jean-Francios Champollion.
The Ankh

The ankh is the most well-known symbol in the hieroglyphic system representing the Eternal life also referred to as “the key of life” or “the key of nile”. The ankh represents water with the tear drop-top, the sun with the circle above the upper bar symbolizing the horizon, and air. The water, sun, and air are meant to provide and preserve life in Ancient Egyptian culture.
The Eye Of Horus

The Eye of Horus (the left eye) represents the moon and further representing royal power, restoration, and good health, additionally protects against evil spirits, envy, disease, and harmful animals. According to Egyptian lore, Horus lost his left eye in a battle with Seth but was soon restored by Hathor, and with its restoration, the eye came to symbolize healing.
The Eye of Ra

The Eye of Ra (the right eye) represents the sun, because of its relation the Eye of Ra represented the sun to the Egyptians. The Eye of Ra was often associated with the destructive aspect of Ra’s (the sun’s) power. The eye of Ra was a strong symbol of royal authority.
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