Emerging fields of interest:

Emerging fields of interest:
My fields of interest as of now, 28/09/18 are fairly straightforward. I am highly interested in anthropological principles and techniques, especially when applied to fringe cultures or counter-culture movements, as well as to literary traditions. This plays into my second and more driven field of interest, which is literary analysis and dissection, especially in the fields of non-traditional fields of literature, particularly in regards to board and card games, such as Magic: the Gathering. I have enjoyed my previous work of studying both the culture and the history surrounding Magic in the scope of British Columbia, as well as my foray into exploring the literary validity of the game of Magic in an attempt to widen the scope of what is traditionally thought of in regards to literature for literary analysis.
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My name is Cody Peters, and I am a fourth year student, currently at Capilano University. I was born in, and have always lived in, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. While I have traveled quite a bit for someone who is 25 years old, I always end up back on the 49th parallel; Vancouver is my city, and I hope to live here for the majority of my life. I love everything about my home town, including its problems and unfortunate history. I feel that I can say this with a level of confidence because of my academic history within the study of anthropology, especially surrounding the issues and history surrounding Vancouver’s involvement in First Nations affairs throughout its history. I accept these problems as my own, as I am as much a part of them as I am a part of this city. Its history is my history, and its problems are also my problems. I have a responsibility to learn about our collective past, and make an effort to address and work through them as a part of our future.

I consider myself to be somewhat of a social outlier, as I associate myself with both Punk and Metal-Head subcultures, and therefore am somewhat out of the mainstream. That said, I do not consider myself to be at odds with the rest of society that surrounds me, and consider myself to be very much a part of Canadian and Vancouverite culture. I do believe that this association with somewhat counter-culture ideologies does affect my academic and social lives, and I find that it can lend me an interesting perspective into both academic and social interactions. My social circle is by no means restricted by this either, and I happily associate with anyone that shows an interest in having me around and interacting with myself and others. I value most people’s ideas and opinions, even if they are contrary to my own, because I realize that their worldviews and beliefs differ from my own, and that mine are in no way superior to theirs.

I am increasingly interested in the fields of Anthropology and English Literature and Literary Analysis, and am endeavoring to pursue a career as a university English professor. In this regard, I enjoy academia and look forward to academic challenges and new modes of thought.