Hi, my name is Daniel Alvarado Torres and I am currently attending Capilano University. I am enrolled in the human kinetics program and after the 2020/21 school year I will complete my diploma. I aim to continue my studies at UBC after my diploma in order to attain a bachelor’s degree in human kinetics. As of now I plan to pursue a career in human kinetics after my bachelors and gain experience in a field of athletic training with plans to open my own business. My end goal is to get my bachelors which will steer me in the direction of studying to become a physiotherapist.
Additionally, growing up I have always been athletic and had a keen eye into sports especially soccer. Playing competitive soccer throughout my adolescence shaped me into understanding what I wanted to pursue in studying. I have always had the urge to go into a career where I am able to help people by helping others identify who I am. Furthermore, throughout my years in post secondary I have had the opportunity to learn many things in regards to health and fitness related topics. Currently I have also had the opportunity to learn about issues that are present within our society and be able to give my own views regarding these issues.
To finish off, my portfolio will give a view into my area of study while also providing my own knowledge I have accumulated throughout the years. I believe it is important for everyone to live a healthy/active lifestyle and it is also important that issues within our society are brought to attention in order for a healthier society.
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