Check this post for updates throughout the month of February!
January 14, 2019: Maya Azizi and I came up with the idea for our “green” clothing drive and reached out to our professor, Cheryl Schreader, to tell her about our idea!
January 23, 2019: Maya and I reached out to the ‘Green Inspiration BC’ organization to see if they would be interested in a collaborating with us for our clothing drive. They responded with interest and sent us some information about their organization.
February 1, 2019: Beginning today, I am making a pledge not to purchase any new clothing, shoes, or accessories for the month of February as part of my personal commitment to reduce pollution from textile production and waste.
February 4, 2019: After some further research, Maya and I have decided not to donate the clothes that we will be collecting to ‘Green Inspiration BC.’ Instead of being “environmentally friendly,” this organization sells the clothes that they collect to foreign countries. The transportation process involved in shipping clothes produces pollution from oil. As well, the mass amount of used clothes shipped to foreign countries has negative impacts on their local economies. Because these aspects of ‘Green Inspiration BC’ are not in line with our goals for environmental awareness, Maya and I have will be sorting through the clothes that we collect and will donate them to local charities/organizations instead. One example a local organization we will bring the clothes to is the Downtown Eastside Women’s Centre which allows individual women using the centre to take up to 10 items each from their clothing donation room daily.
Thursday, February 21, 2019: I shared a post about our clothing drive to my personal Facebook account. The post received 11 “likes” and 10 comments expressing interest in our activism!

Tuesday, February 26, 2019: Instructor David Kirk helped spread awareness about our clothing drive via Twitter. As of 10:30pm on February 26, David’s tweet has been shared and “liked” by at least four different individuals. Thank you David! Click here for a link to the original post.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019: Human Kinetics instructor Heather MacLeod Williams e-mailed out our clothing drive posters to our Human Kinetics 252 Contemporary Health Issues class. Thank you Heather!

Wednesday, February 27, 2019: This afternoon, Professor Cheryl Schreader made an announcement to our Geography 316 class about our clothing drive! Following this, Maya and I went around campus and put up some of our posters in the Cedar, Library, and Birch buildings.
This evening at 5:34pm, Professor Maureen Bracewell shared our poster on the Anthropology 350 Moodle site. Thanks Maureen!