Settler Colonialism
This week we read ‘Gay Pride on Stolen Land: Homonationalism and Settler Colonialism at the Vancouver Winter Olympics’ by Heather Sykes. This article discussed the exclusion of Indigenous peoples, especially LGBTQ2S+ Indigenous peoples, from the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver. This article found that, although the Olympics made some efforts towards inclusivity for LGBTQ+ peoples (note: ‘inclusivity’ is problematic because it emphasizes an ‘us’ vs. ‘them’ mentality), these efforts largely excluded Two-Spirit peoples. This article also discussed the tokenism of Indigenous peoples on public platforms during the Olympics, noting that LGBTQ2S+ Indigenous peoples were not part of any decision making processes.
Central to any and all notions of equity for LGBTQ2S+ is the equal recognition and acceptance of all sexual identities and orientations. By excluding Two-Spirit individuals, the Vancouver Olympics’ efforts towards equity are nullified. What is a safe space for LGBTQ+ peoples if not all LGBTQ+ are welcome or represented?
Although I understood the overall context of Syke’s article, I had difficulty understanding some of the core terms before discussing them with the class. Simran’s presentation on this article used a hands-on learning exercise so that the class might better understand these concepts (see photo below). Ki’s diagram complemented Simran’s activity by providing a visual explanation of the terms (see other photo below).