I have drawn a map of Capilano University as it appears in my mind. It would probably not help anyone else as it is not to scale, the points are connected by straight lines, and it only contains two buildings. This is my Cap though.
I mainly travel between three main points: the bus stop, the Library and the Maple building. I am very predictable, so I use the same paths each time. When drawing my map, I first started drawing trees and the paths through them. I prioritized nature as the part I love most about the campus. Second, I then drew the two buildings I have been in this year. Their shapes are rough and simple lacking the detail I had included around the paths. This shows that These places, though important, are more in the background of my mind map. Even though my classes do take place in these buildings more of the course work is done online these days, so I associate my class more with Moodle then physical lectures. When initially drawing out my map I almost left some of the pavement paths out, as I prefer the wooded paths through the forest. Reflecting on why I did this I realized that I don’t like the heavy foot traffic the main walkways maintain. Even though they are quicker from point A to point B I do not like the buildings, concrete and congestion due to slow walkers. However, I did add them at the very end as I have taken them in the past and though they are not my favorite I have included in my rendition.
Looking at my map the forest takes up a large amount of it, larger then it should according to reality, but this is a part of the campus that I really love and enjoy. Walking through here helps reset my mind after class as I move up to the Maple Building to write in the Cap Courier office or in the CSU student lounge. It means more to me then including other buildings that I never step foot in and to be honest, I probably couldn’t even name other buildings. On the topic of other buildings, all my classes are in one building, the Library, and the only other building I go to is Maple where I am a Cap Courier contributor. I did not feel as though it would be relevant to include any other building in my sketch. I only live 10 mins away from the campus, so I choose to eat my meals at home, bring my own coffee, and it is faster for me to bus then it is to drive so parking is a non issue. As Cap is a commuter school I would believe that a lot of other students and faculty would have included the parking lot in their interpretation.
How I have spaced out my interpretation of Capilano University is probably not how many other students or faculty would have arranged their map. For instance, I have left out the birch building, not because I have forgotten it but because I NEVER go in there. Everything that I would need to go there for I can access online, and I choose not to eat or spend any time in the lounges because I do not have a lot of free time. I am a mature student, I work full time as well as go to school. Because I am in my late twenties I have already done the social aspect of my schooling and prefer to stick to my studies rather then hang around and meet and talk to people in the cafeteria. I am a bit of a loner on campus, I have friends in my classes but since I am not directly out of high school I do not have the need to make friends and explore myself. I keep my schedule tight and concise; I get in and I get out. My time on campus is rather brief as I also work full time, so I do not interact much with other areas of campus. I also chose to leave out the bookstore because honestly… I just ordered my books online and got them shipped.
As I reflect on this task I am intrigued by what other classmates deem important. This assignment was quite personal as each map is a direct line to individual consciousness. Difference in perception on the same space highlight how each individual person sees things differently. There is no right or wrong just different. This map of the campus according to me is a glimpse into how I see my world. Our activities are classified by space in such that we are a subject of our environments. The influence of our environment shapes our reality. From such we can see preferences, places and items of importance, and areas of disinterest.
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