Going into LBST 200 I did not know what exactly the content was about only knowing that i had to take it as part of my degree. It ended up being one of my favorite classes and I wish that I had taken it earlier in my education and not as a third year student, but hey I did transfer into this new program so… what can you do.
My main takeaway from this class was interviewing techniques. I had never been formally taught how to do this in an effective way, throughout this term I was able to learn and enhance these techniques. I learned how to develop myself as a researcher, by asking the right questions, determining what better ways were to ask questions, and how to organize my work. I have never been that good at literary reviews and this term it clicked what they were all about. It may have to do with the large number of podcasts that I started to listen to this year but basically, I realized that my favorite podcast, Science Vs, was just a literary review done through interviews. Making this connection made me really interested in this class content as I realized this class was so very important to my end goals for my degree.
It was eye opening in that I have realized I have away to go! This class ignited a really want to be a better researcher. Specifically, it solidified my want to be a journalist. I enjoyed seeing how much I was interested in the content and it make me feel confident that I am going in the right direction.
I have really started thinking about tutorials. I loved the idea of interviewing and being more journalistic and I would love to be able to incorporate them in my tutorials. I am really interested in the environment, outdoor activities and traveling and I am trying to come up with some project that would incorporate these in a journalistic way for my tutorials.
Part of the class that frustrated me was the primary source assignment. I found it a bit misleading and that the point of the assignment could have been done better in a different way. I really loved the trip to the archives and I would have liked to spend more time there and have that more incorporated to this assignment. If there was one thing I would change about this course it would be that assignment.
Other then that, thank you for a great class.
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