
Short Term:

Finish my education and get my Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Care and Education

Everyone has their own set of desires that aim to create change or possibly save a person’s life. But like everything else, every desire needs a few steps to be taken or a plan of action in order for some fruit to be seen.

I care deeply about children because they hold so much power. They are the future- future teachers, future leaders, future engineers, etc. They need us adults to invest in them in every way we can, although personally, I think that one of the best investments that we can offer to them is our time. Children need us to be present and be their guide, mentor and companion in their own journey of discovering themselves and in their attempts of trying to make sense of the world around them.

Growing up, I see myself as blessed to be surrounded by wonderful ‘teachers‘ who guided me inside and outside the classroom. When I become an educator, I aim to create the same impact and influence to more people and children.

I have found my purpose and at this point in my life, it feels so good to know where I am going and to see the impact I’ll be making along the way.

Long Term:

To travel more and to continue teaching

After my recent missions trip to the Philippines, I have made it my goal to travel more and be able to teach in different parts of the world.

Having the ability to teach doesn’t mean we have to stop learning

I want to teach in different parts of the world as every place I have been to has never failed to teach me something new and enrich my understanding of the world around me for the better. Every place contains a different set of values, beliefs and traditions that are beautiful and unique in their own ways. To learn more and have firsthand experiences with different cultures is something that I have been dreaming of. It is something I wish to continue desiring and be able to do once given every opportunity to.