Art Nouveau Design + Fashion

Survey 6


Art Nouveau was an art style known for its ornate and immense detail that came into 1890 to 1910 with a boom.  It’s uniqueness shocked and inspired many as it was quite a prominent mark in art history. Art Nouveau is known to draw from Celtic designs with its natural colour pallet and whiplash curves. In 1861 William Morris started the Arts and crafts movement, which some say kick-started the Art Nouveau movement. Both the Arts and crafts style and Art Nouveau movement show similar characteristics, which is why the two are often mistaken. The Art Nouveau movement produced not only posters, paintings, and illustrations but also stained glass, furniture, architecture, jewelry, and almost every art form. Although the movement was one of its kind, producing new and unique work, most of the Art Nouveau artists drew inspiration from the past, taking from the soft, delicate details from the renaissance period or the pools of swirls found within Van Gough’s pieces. The Art Nouveau period has and will continue to inspire artists worldwide.


Art Nouveau influence many art forms, including fashion. Clothing designers have been inspired by the Art Nouveau for a century, either within their prints, colours, or drapery. At the end of the Art Nouveau moment, females fashion was at a time of change as the flappers would soon be born. Towards the end of the movement, women started to care less about their figure and started to wear boxed shaped dresses and focused more on draping than accentuating their bodies. With that being said, during the peak of the Art Nouveau movement, women’s fashion was still highly directed towards their figure, focusing on their waist, hips, and bust. As most if not all of Art Nouveau’s posters and artwork focus on a young woman, the artist would almost always portray her as a young, white, innocent woman, as that was more pleasing towards society. This is sadly still seen by society today.

Written Citatons

Art Nouveau.

Jacopo Giola – Copyright Senses Art Nouveau Sprl. “Short History OfArt Nouveau.” senses. Accessed November 4, 2020.

“1899-1914 Art Nouveau.” Silhouettes Costumes,

Image Reference

“Feather & Cowslip: Art Nouveau Mucha, Art Nouveau Illustration, Art Nouveau Poster.” Pinterest, 8 May 2020,

“Moet & Chandon: Arte, Dioses, Lindo.” Pinterest, 27 July 2020,

Australia, National Gallery Of. Art Nouveau,

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