Fashion and Colours within Ancient Greece

Survey 1


Fashion and colour were two big important parts of ancient Greece and is one of the bigger changes in how fashion and colour can be perceived today. As for fashion, people in ancient Greece wore mostly wore robes or sheets of fabric made of natural fibers such as linen and wool, but linen was the most common because it was more accessible and lighter for warmer days. All clothing was interchangeable between men and women, but women tend to wear their robes longer to hide their ankles (oohoo scandalous).

Women also tended to wear two layers, a tunic type, also known as peplos, and a cloak overtop, also known as a chiton. They wore clothes for more protection, rather than for style or identity. But with that being said, the amount of colour or detail dyed or printed on their robs showed their wealth, which was the same for men. Women also wore jewelry. They would wear necklaces, earrings, and bracelets made of silver or gold, but only rich women were usually lucky enough to wear jewelry.

As for shoes, everyone usually was barefoot, especially at home, but if Greeks needed to, they would wear sandals or leather boots, but it wasn’t rare for people to go their whole life barefoot. 


Authentic ancient Greece statues were full of colour, but they have faded to a dull white stone over time. We often think of statues, buildings, or sculptures from ancient Greece just to be made of stone or marble with no added colour, when in reality, ancient Greece was full of colour, and its vibrancy would be shocking to us today. The Greeks praised four colours which were, Red, Yellow, Black, and White. They would mix these four colours, including others, to enrich their colour pallet and better understand color as a whole.

Yearbook Spread

This was such a fun project for me. I’ve always been interested in painting with natural elements, and for this piece I thought I would work solely with coffee, turmeric, and ink. I believe that the overall aesthetic matches who I am, very earthy and natural. I decided to incorporate some foliage around the text, not only to spice it up a little, but because plants have always been a big part of my life. 

If I were to grade myself out of 10, I would give myself a 6.5. The reason behind that is because I feel like I could do something better, something cleaner. I do think the writing could be tidied up and the background to flow a little better. But with that being said, I think I did well with my portrait only using coffee and turmeric. Overall I’m happy with this piece.