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Author Katelyn Thickett

Hello all! My name is Katelyn and I am a proud student of Capilano University. Currently, I am working towards a Bachelor of Music therapy and I am loving my time at CapU. Feel free to follow my academic journey through my ePortfolio.

Thanks for visiting!


Neurological Testing: Why, What, When? Simplified Version

By: Katelyn Thickett This is a blog post aimed at the general public that is broken down and described at a basic level of knowledge of cognitive impairments and imaging techniques used. My goal is to describe why neurological testing… Continue Reading →

TRAUMA, I Have Had Enough

Katelyn Thickett on a hike on Magnificant Magnetic Island in Australia. “Walking on Sunshine”


Hello, my name is Katelyn and this is my first year at Capilano Univerity. I am from Alberta and absolutely the outdoors! It is not uncommon for me to go on day hikes in the mountains during the summer months… Continue Reading →

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