Survey 1- History book spread

This is my history spread which I created about ancient Egyptian headdresses. At first I was going to create what is called a Nemes headdress, however, since I was making a miniature version of it, I could not find a male barbie doll. And only Pharaohs wore Nemes. I did however find an old Bratz doll in my basement, so I decided to choose a falcon headdress instead, which was worn by queens. I made the artifact out of Sculptey clay and painted it gold to mimic the golden falcon crowns they used to wear in this time. I took the photo in front of a scene I put together that is supposed to act as a throne room for a queen. On the right page, I attempted to draw an Egyptian font for the heading and painted pyramids to depict the feeling of Egypt.
I give myself an 8/10 because I believe I mimicked the Egyptian style in the overall spread. I worked very hard on crafting the headdress out of clay and worked with the materials that I had, even if that meant compensating for a different headdress. I feel as though I photographed it well and achieved the look I was going for. I do, however, wish I had painted detail into the pyramids to imitate the background on the left, and perhaps made the heading larger.