Survey 4 – History Book Spread

The topic I was assigned for the history spread was tools/technology from 1750-1850. I chose to focus on Lithographic printing, as it was a relevant subject during the industrial revolution and an important invention. I struggled with the ideation of visually representing the action of lithographic printing. However, during the group meeting, the idea of making it a recipe caught my attention. I decided to title it “Senefelder’s Lithography Recipe”, as a spin off of the stereotypical Grandma’s cookie recipe. In place of where the ingredients would go on a normal recipe, I put the steps that one would take to print lithographically. I also drew some of the steps to help visualize it. I used my regular handwriting to act as if Senefelder had written this recipe himself, but I drew the title in a gothic font to represent its age. I also stained the background to make this recipe look old.
For this spread, I give myself an 8/10 because I believe I executed lithography in a creative way that makes sense. I am very proud of the diagrams I drew, as I initially struggled to make them satisfactory, but after working on them, I feel as though I incorporated them well. For example, the ink roller at the bottom is rolling out the words. If I were to change anything, I could have gone lighter on the embellishments. I also think that I could have separated the bullet points more from the words.
The time I spent designing this spread was approximately 4 hours and perhaps 1 hour on research.