Hi Lauren, I enjoyed reading your mindmap on this topic! As someone who’s gone between deleting and redownloading Tiktok, I find it can greatly impact my productivity. With that, I’ve also noticed a surge in videos of teachers speaking on this topic and how screen time affects elementary school students. Similar to how Netflix has the “are you still watching” feature I wonder if that could ever be implemented in TikTok to make users aware of how long they’ve been scrolling. Great topic! 🙂
December 6, 2023 at 12:38 am
Hi Lauren, I enjoyed reading your mindmap on this topic! As someone who’s gone between deleting and redownloading Tiktok, I find it can greatly impact my productivity. With that, I’ve also noticed a surge in videos of teachers speaking on this topic and how screen time affects elementary school students. Similar to how Netflix has the “are you still watching” feature I wonder if that could ever be implemented in TikTok to make users aware of how long they’ve been scrolling. Great topic! 🙂
– Caleb