Shruti Karthikeyan

Just another Capilano University ePortfolio Sites site

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Humanity’s First Sign of Creative Intelligence: Rock Art

A detailed look into the cave paintings of our fellow hunter gatherer’s from 40 000 BCE! Humans like to leave a mark. It doesn’t matter if we were born thousands of years ago or just a few years ago, we… Continue Reading →

Visual Research 2

Repetition (Design Principle): This poster was created by Hotel Eleven to advertise their breakfast service. They have used repetition by showing multiple white eggs. This immediately catches the viewer’s attention and makes them realize that the eggs stand for breakfast…. Continue Reading →

Visual Research 1

Line: This poster was created for an art and cinema gallery by the agency Design By Day. It uses multiple lines that start from the edge of the page and join the text ‘Unspooling’ at the top.  The lines act… Continue Reading →

Project 1: Yearbook Spread

The theme of my yearbook spread is that of fun, excitement and optimism. I tend to be a dreamer with a positive outlook on the future. Therefore I used bright colours in the background because they embody a feeling of… Continue Reading →

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