Module 1 – Constructing Knowledge

Module 1 – Constructing Knowledge

After reading James Scotland’s article and taking the time to think about which paradigm best fits my research process, I came up with the interpretive paradigm. I am drawn by the importance of individuality and how our reality is constructed by our own self. As a liberal studies student, I am drawn to political sciences and anthropology courses that allow me to share my thoughts and beliefs from a First Nation’s perspective. I see value in other people’s paradigms because as according to Scotland’s article, “reality is constructed through the interaction between language and aspects of an individual world.”      

More recently, I have participated in a lecture themed “Dear Canada as you Celebrate 150.” I was amazed by the diversity of the room. Many of the people in the room have never stepped foot onto a reservation, walked into a longhouse or attended a First Nations ceremony. The experience and knowledge comes together and construct the reality for everyone. Personally, my culture is a part of my everyday life. As much of my knowledge is academically derived, it is as well culturally and historically situated through generations before me.  

Qualitative research, such as ethnographies has made a great impact on First Nations people. Anthropologists such as Charles Hill-Tout spent time with Squamish People and his research help them form their Land Use and Occupancy document that provides qualitative information that dates back several generations. This information, not being necessarily a scientific paradigm, is still held very valuable to the Squamish people because it is legal evidence in narrative for themselves, the Provincial and Federal government stating that they occupied the territory.

If I were to expand my research within the interpretive paradigm, I would explore and share two topics. One, the history of Vancouver’s First Nation’s settlement. Secondly, how has the neighboring First Nation’s groups adjusted to colonialism within the past 150 years.

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