Survey 3: Mood Board

What really interested me about all these topics is they all had a sense of mystery behind their culture. For example King Tutankhamun’s cause of death was unsolved as well as the location of the tomb was undiscovered for some time. As an artist I was in shock at how beautiful the tomb’s details were with the jewels and gold around it. Another area I would love to study more in depth was the Sphinx and Pyramids. While reading online I found so much speculation around whether the pyramids could have the possibility to be created in their time because they were 455 feet high. The debate is so fascinating to be because another point that was made is that the pyramids line up perfectly with the stars.

I would give myself a 7/10 because I learned a lot about each section and I did a lot of research on each culture. I found connections within each time period but I might have been able to find different sections that could relate more.

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