Yearbook spread

So for my yearbook spread I really wanted to showcase my personality and try to include every little fact about me. This project was very therapeutic for me and I had a lot of fun with the illustrations. I would describe myself as very easy-going and laid-back that’s why I am meditating, floating over the earth like the zen being I am. I absolutely love going out and meeting new people but I am most at peace by myself doing my own thing that’s why I included all the things in my life that bring me bliss such as music, travelling, nature and animals. I would like to say I’m very well rounded and artistic. In my poster I’m wearing an outfit inspired by the 80s which is a time period I absolutely am in love with. I personally think it was a carefree time in this world because of the lack of social media. I personally think without social media we could all express ourselves in a genuine way and be unique without feeling like you don’t “fit in”. This poster is a total reflection of myself as being very self-aware, creative, fun to be around and bubbly.

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