Visual Research II: Principles of Design & Gestalt Principles

Principles of Design

The artist incorporates contrast mainly through color and scale. The pink values of the background and the cat in the foreground contrast with the figure being bitten from the cat’s mouth. Although the figure itself is comparatively small, our eyes are drawn to it due to its use of primary colors, red and yellow in this case, as well as the bold white and black colors.

The contrast in scale is also prominent in this illustration. Proportionally, the scale of the cat is unrealistically big compared to the human figure. The contrast in scale emphasizes the foreground further, and we recognize the cat to be the dominant element and subordinate to the figure.

Although he uses various colors for each panel, Warhol incorporates repetition into his piece by using the same image of the subject eight times.

Gestalt Principles

In the thumbnail of the Abstract: The Art of Design tv show, closure is incorporated to show a lightbulb without physically drawing it or inserting an image. A hand is, instead, used to outline the glass portion of the bulb, and our brains know it is this object because of the metal edge that connects at the bottom.

This illustration by Jade Purple Brown demonstrates the Gestalt Principle of continuation. The shapes in the background lead us towards the foreground/the main subject of the artwork, which in return, indicates movement as well.

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