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White Paper

“Life On Land” How to Help Natural Capital Benjamin Jacobs BADM 460 – Business and Society Professor Laurie Pragne-Martin February 1, 2021 Executive Summary A massive problem humanity is facing right now is deforestation.  The United Nations has established that… Continue Reading →

Experience in City Studio

I have had experience with City Studio before. During my Workplace Learning class, we were given an assignment for an actual client. To summarize, it was meant to help the North Vancouver Fire Department wanted to try to gain more… Continue Reading →

Communities from around campus plan for a better CapU

by Benjamin Jacobs Note: This article was published in the Capilano Courier on November 1, 2019.Original article: http://www.capilanocourier.com/2019/11/01/collaborative-planning-for-capilanos-future/ Over the last 50 years, Capilano University has transformed and built a reputation for being the university of the North Shore. There… Continue Reading →

How the Documentary Series Suffer Little Children By Bill Baldini Exposed The Pennhurst Asylum For Its Many Human Rights Violations

Documentaries are video essays made to capture an event, or talk about miscellaneous subjects.  This can be about historical events, the making of an impactful movie or a relevant issue that either is or has not been touched on and… Continue Reading →

Even Death Cannot Stop Fatherhood! Men are becoming sperm donors after their death

Ben Jacobs // Contributor Note: This is an article from the Capilano Courier published about two months agoOriginal article: http://www.capilanocourier.com/2020/03/01/men-are-becoming-fathers-after-death/ Normally, if someone were to die with the request of donating body parts, they would think of donating their heart… Continue Reading →

Hell No! The Pipeline Must Go! Thousands marched in Burnaby in protest of the pipeline expansion.

Benjamin Jacobs // Contributor Note: This article was published in the Capilano Courier on March 26, 2018, about the Kinder Morgan Pipeline expansion.Original article: http://www.capilanocourier.com/2018/03/26/kinder-morgan-pipeline-expansion-protest/ For a long time, a debate has been going on about whether or not the… Continue Reading →

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