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Presented is a  reproduction of artist Albrecht Dürers (May 1471 – 6 April 1528) ”Betende Hande” transferred from an 8.5 x 11 printed copy to a larger 18 X 24 cartridge paper using an 1’ x 1’ to 2’ x 2’ square gridding system and a graphite pencil (the original drawing was done with pen and ink, on blue coloured paper). The focus of this project is to observe and reproduce shading and tonal values when drawing, to match the original artwork to the best of our ability. While observing Dürers Praying Hands closely and exporting it to a large scale drawing, one can really begin to understand and appreciate the value,  the commitment and detail of this masterpiece. 

Final Reproduction of Albrecht Dürers, ” Bertende Hande” under natural light