Badass Basquiat
Jean-Michel Basquiat is a New York based artist of Puerto Rican and Haitian origin. Basquiat used social commentary to explore dichotomies in his work like wealth vs. poverty, and integration vs. segregation. He would use everything available to him from poetry, painting, drawing, and text. He used his art to explore the experiences of the black community at the time and as a result, he would go on to influence the formation of hip hop culture.

Basquiat’s work got started through graffiti where he and his friend, Al Diaz, would write cryptic messages as SAMO©. This piece in particular says “SAMO© AS AN END TO THE 9-to-5, WENT TO COLLEGE, NOT 2-NITE HONEY BLUES.” The anti-establishment sentiments are something I can relate with to a degree, as I am always asking if what I’m currently doing is valuable enough, especially since I am attending post-secondary a second time.
J.M. Basquiat used self-portraits to explore his identity as an African-American. Even though he carved out a place for himself in the intellectual art world, he felt that he both belonged and was separate from it. This duality would become a theme in his work. The scratch marks on either side of him remind me of Kokoschka.

Boxer depicts a massive boxer with his arms raised in victory. Muscular details are lined in white to contrast with the black of the boxer. I like how imposing and triumphant this image feels. It feels damaged, as if the victory came at a cost.

One of Basquiat’s most famous works. I love this piece.

Basquiat would produce many different heads/skulls. It is likely that Basquiat was caught off guard by the power in these images. The scribble-like strokes remind me of Giacometti.

Crown is a symbol I have been familiar with for a long time but did not know where it came from. Basquiat used the crown to depict himself as a king, acknowledge those influenced him, and show his ambition for greatness. The three peaks represent the poet, the musician, and the great boxing champion.
Andy Warhol’s death had a significant impact on Basquiat’s life. To Basquiat, Warhol was a mentor, and teacher. Basquiat would take a hiatus from art. In his last days, he would create this image. Basquiat would fatally overdose on “Speedball”, a mixture of cocaine and heroin.
I really resonate with Jean-Michel Basquiat work. His reflections on duality, and feelings of simultaneously belonging and feeling segregated are something I can personally relate to. His influence on hip hop culture is something I did not know and will carry with me as I continue to practice street dance.
Honorable Mentions
Lisa Yuskavage

Gerhard Richter

Excellent work on your final posts here! Really enjoyed reading your blogs as you injected a humorous and compelling flavour in your words. Good research, insights, and, of course, good writing. You scored 9/10 in your Pecha Kucha and your final assignment was 7.5/10 for both your acrylic paintings so well done there.
Hope you have a great Holiday break.