Shinobu Ishihara and his colourblind tests
I was tasked to create a science artifact set between 1815-1825. I have opted to cover the Ishihara Colorblind tests as they were invented in 1917.
I decided to pick this topic because colourblindness is a personal subject to me as I am colourblind myself! Any reason to teach people about colourblindness is motivation enough for me. I decided to recreate the original testing plate with watercolour as that was how they were originally made.

Problems I ran into were:
- Layout of information on the adjacent picture
- Finding appropriate decoration for the spread that demonstrated vision
- Rendering text
Things I felt I did well:
- Overall concept and execution
- Topic Selection
- Selective colour on the test plate
I would grade this work an 8/10 as the decoration could have been more involved and I could have put a symbol in the testing plate itself.
(This was my jab at everyone with correct colour vision )