Welcome to my ePortfolio!

The “About Me” page in the top menu will direct to a brief overview of my professional pursuits and interests.

Selecting “Courses” in the top menu will open a list of all courses I have taken at University. Hovering over “Courses” opens a drop-down menu: “Course Assignments,” from where subject pages and assignments from individual classes can be viewed. Selecting “Course Assignments” directly opens up a page with embedded links to subject pages. I have uploaded selected assignments from any appropriate courses I have taken throughout my time at University. I have not included every assignment, but included instead the assignments I feel best represent my academic growth.

“University Positions” opens a drop-down menu where I have included my engagements with University outside of my academic classes.

Below this page is a page of posts I have made, a page outlining my academic education and arts training, and a page for my work experience. At the very bottom of this page is a search bar as well as some links to some of my social media platforms.