Yearbook Spread

This was such a fun project for me. I’ve always been interested in painting with natural elements, and for this piece I thought I would work solely with coffee, turmeric, and ink. I believe that the overall aesthetic matches who I am, very earthy and natural. I decided to incorporate some foliage around the text, not only to spice it up a little, but because plants have always been a big part of my life. 

If I were to grade myself out of 10, I would give myself a 6.5. The reason behind that is because I feel like I could do something better, something cleaner. I do think the writing could be tidied up and the background to flow a little better. But with that being said, I think I did well with my portrait only using coffee and turmeric. Overall I’m happy with this piece. 

Visual research of design elements

By Harry Vincent

The Lines within this piece directs the eye to the key element of the image, creating a powerful focal point.

By Jacob Stack

The use of Texture with layers creates dimension and contrast that helps bring the main subjects to the foreground.

By Eder Rengifo

The simple and yet effective use of negative Space within this piece helps convey the dramatic message of the imagery in the center.

About me Paragraph

Hey there! My name is Freya Emery and like most of you reading, I’m in the 2024 IDEA class and I couldn’t be more excited to be part of this amazing group of students. For my last three years of high school I attended a program called The Performance and Media Academy. This is where I learned what my passions are, including photography, illustration, and graphic design. I believe the IDEA program to be a perfect fit for me. The curriculum teaches in every area of my interests where I want to learn, expand my knowledge of, and immerse into. One of the key reasons why I chose Capilano University was because of the campus and location. I currently live and was raised in the heart of the West Kootenays, located deep within BC’s rich forests which are very similar to the ones located in North Vancouver. Outside of all things art, some of my other interests, hobbies and activities are skateboarding and buying/caring for plants.