For the last week, I have been researching how Art Nouveau evolved in the nineteenth century. To present the information I gathered, I had to organize it into a mood board. Before I started it, I thought this assignment would be quite easy. However, as I went through the whole process, I learned it was a lot more difficult for me. Throughout the whole process, I realized there were components of the assignment that I enjoyed, but there were also times where I wanted to give up because it was too frustrating for me. If I was ever given the option to do an assignment like this again, I would not accept it.

One of the few things I liked about this assignment is how organized all my research was. Because we had to put our research into a mood board, it not only helped me organize how to present my research but also where I should start with my assignment. Unlike other assignments, I knew where to put everything and how it should be presented. Although it was easy to present, I struggled a lot with the amount of research that I had to put into it. I learned fairly quickly that because we were supposed to show the connection throughout the period we were researching, it put a lot of restrictions on what information we could include. I had a difficult time trying to gather enough research for certain parts of my mood board. Especially for the last part, since the requirements of the assignment were restricting me from putting certain info into my mood board. Most of my time for this assignment went into the research part because I struggled a lot more with figuring out what I could or could not include. Towards the end of the assignment, I could tell that I didn’t feel as passionate about it and gave up a little. At times, I didn’t have the energy to even finish my mood board because it was quite frustrating for me. I feel due to the restrictions, I wasn’t properly able to explore my topic in depth. Overall, I definitely could have done better.

In the end, I would give myself a 6 out of 10. I think I did quite a good job at the research part of the assignment, as well as the assembling of the mood board. However, I feel that I struggled to make connections between the events I chose. I’m happy with the way I presented the first two events, but I feel I wasn’t able to properly connect the third event with the other two. If the assignment hadn’t put any restrictions on me, I think I would have been able to explore and expand on the events more thoroughly. Taking everything into account, I think I did okay. My board is quite simple and organized.