Although it was personally hard to find information on Georgi, from the gist of it he was the creator of the “second-wave pretty girl” as he didn’t draw pin up girls as overtly sexual as his peers. He was also one of the most commercially successful and sought-after artists of his time.
Though his women were indeed very beautiful and designed with depth, I was drawn to his unconventional use of bold lighting and unique colour choices. Much of his neon shading is very retro or vintage in style but also surprisingly modern. Nowadays I see many artists do this, whether inspired or not, to add a certain uniqueness to their own art or to add more life or exaggeration, especially in digital which is easily achievable with overlay tools. Stylistically, I enjoy what this does to his work, particularly in the example below. The contrast of pastel, almost impressionistic colours are interesting against the dark champagne bottle. His throwback to other techniques such as pointillism is cited as another trademark.
Another notable example which is also shown in a pleasant complimentary colour scheme is the one above which shows the drama and movement simply added by streaks of bright yellow, but it blends together very well. Seen here is an example of his pin-ups. She seems more somber than her other more cheeky and coy counterparts but is nonetheless a “pretty girl”.
Overall, Georgi’s works have quickly become some of my favourites. After going through his galleries, it is also clear that he didn’t really on flashy techniques as a gimmick and was well rounded in the conventional sense as well. (As see in last example.) I really appreciate his versatility and his willingness to experiment in both his style and in his portrayal of varied women.
Excellent posts on Rose O’Neill and Edwin Georgi! Good research even though there is not a lot of information on Georgi. I agree with you that he used more unconventional colours in his work. Also O’Neill is especially interesting for her creation of the Kewpie Doll.
Well Done.