City Studio NVFD Case Study

The Fire Prevention Division of the NVFD works to prevent fires by doing routine inspections, investigations, constructions and educating people in the community. While the public education programs for elementary school kids and seniors have been effective in the past, the forms of communication they use to reach these demographics don’t work with the given target market of students aged 16 to 25. They have virtually no previous interactions with this age group and have no idea how to properly inform them on fire safety issues, which discourages the department from trying to reach out to them.

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Reconciliation Case Study

The erasure of Indigenous names began very early on in colonialism, with many Indigenous people losing important family heritage linked to their names, in addition to a loss of their sense of identity. There is a need for Indigenous folks to reclaim the names and heritage that were lost to the Canadian government – to embrace their traditional names and share their meaning and history with others.

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UX Storyboard

For this project, we were tasked with creating a storyboard to illustrate our persona having one of the global goals influence their life in some way – whether negatively or positively. The story is centered around a persona we chose, named Amanda Cho – a young university student with immigrant parents, who is studying industrial design. She is indecisive, overwhelmed with the state of the world, and is an avid discord user and gamer.

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