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1. Introduction and overview of the country
1.1 Geographic
Brazil is the largest country in both South America and Latin America. Brazil is located in eastern South America and bordering the Atlantic Ocean. The total area is 8,515,770 square kilometers. Brazil is the world’s fifth-largest country and covers three time zones.Brazil has a dense and complex system of rivers. [1]Therefore, the second-longest river is also located in the brazil, which is Amazon. There are also many other rivers in Brazil, such as the Negro River and Parana. The highest mountain is the ‘Pico de Neblina,’ which is 2994 meters high. In Brazil, the climate is mostly tropical, with a temperate climate in the southern parts of the country.Brazil is the only country in the world that has the equator and the Tropic of Capricorn running through it. [2]The topography of Brazil is diverse, which includes plains, scrublands, hills, mountains, and highlands. Brazil has different ecosystems, for example, the Amazon rainforest. The Amazon rainforest is recognized as having the greatest biological diversity in the world. In Brazil, there is 60% of the world’s rainforest. Brazil has many natural resources, such as alumina, bauxite, gold, iron, and manganese. Brazil is home to some fascinating mammals and fish species.[1]
1.2 Demographics
The fifth-largest population in the world is Brazil, which is following China, India, The USA, and Indonesia. The population was 209.5 million in 2018. The ethnic groups in Brazil are 47.7% white, 43.1% Mulatto (mixed white and black),7.6 Black and 1.1% Asian. The official and most widely spoken language in the country is Portuguese. More than 91% of the people can read and write in the country. The largest age group in Brazil is a group of people who are 25-54, which have 43.86 in the total population. In 2018, there are almost 21.8 million people who live in Sao Paulo. The most popular religion of Brail is Roman Catholic. [2]The core culture of Brazil isPortuguese culture, because of its strong colonial ties with the Portuguese Empire. [1]
1.3 Economy
Brazil was the eight-largest economy in the world in 2018. However, there was a recession in 2015 and 2016 as the worst in the country’s history. Therefore, Brazil is recovering from the recession. In 2017, the country had GDP growth, which is 1%. The purchasing power parity is 3248 trillion in 2017. Brazil has a mixed economy with abundant natural resources. The export is also a large part of economics for Brazil, so the exports are 217.2 billion in 2017. The export partners are China, the U.S., and Argentina. The main export products are transport equipment, iron ore, and footwear.Brazil is the world’s tenth-largest energy consumer with much of its energy coming from renewable sources.The growing sector for the economy is tourism, which is also key to the economy of several regions of the country. [1]
2.Recruitment practices

2.1 Overall
The number of people has a formal job contract increased by 5% in 2018 to compare with the previous years. 4.9 million Brazilian workers and 85000 foreign workers signed the formal contract in 2018. However, the unemployment rate in Brazil is still very high, which is 11.8%. [3] From a recruitment perspective, some companies do not want to hire many people and also Brazil’s labor landscape that makes it a tough sell for companies because brazil has fairly stringent labor laws, and only a few people are fluent in English. [4]
2.2 Process of Recruitment
Most of company in Brazil has six steps recruitment process. For the first step, people who want to apply the job can choose the role that matches their qualifications and career aspirations. Then, they can submit the CV and cover letter online. For stage two, there will have an initial telephone interview. When applicants’ profile matches what the companies are looking for, the member of the recruitment team will contact them. Then, the recruitment team will find out more information through the telephone interview. In stage three, there are first-round interviews for applicants. When the recruitment team thinks that they are potential candidates, applicants will be invited to the face to face interviews. In Brazil companies, there will have a panel that also includes the hiring manager during the interviews. During the interview, the recruitment team wants to know about the career interests, educational background, and experience of the applicants. Stage four is assessment. The companies will invite the potential applicants to the psychometric assessment, which allows the companies to understand applicants’ motivation and the behavior at work better. The last stage is second-round interviews. During the second interview, the companies will invite some applicants who successfully complete the first round to the second interview. In the second-round interview, applicants can get additional insight into what working with the companies are like. [5]
2.3 Ways to Find Candidates
Recently, Brazil companies are doing more recruitment marketing online because the number of internet access had increased from fewer than 50% to 66%. It shows that almost 150000000 of the country’s residents were online. There are five media that most of the Brazilian companies use for online recruitment. Those are Facebook, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, YouTube, and Instagram. For Facebook, some companies like to post recruitment advertisements through Facebook because companies can reach younger Brazilians (more than 90% of users are aged 15-32). Companies in Brazil like to use Facebook Messengerand WhatsApp to contract applicants because the companies find out that open rates and click rates were actually much higher in Facebook Messenger and WhatsAppthan e-mail. In addition, YouTube is another most-used web app in Brazil, and as such, it can be an extremely useful tool for promoting companies’ brand and attracting job candidates. They feel that they can use videos to attract more people and tell colorful stories about the company. The last popular one is Instagram because Instagram usage has grown in Brazil. The app is growing popularity, which makes it become a viable option for going after passive job seekers. In addition, Instagram is owned by Facebook, and it also shares Facebook’s platform. Therefore the companies can attract more potential candidates.[6]However, LinkedIn is not a popular tool to use to find candidates in Brazil, and only 16% recruiters use the app to find perfect candidates because LinkedIn is still an unknown recruitment channel in Brazil. Job seekers and recruiters like to use the channel which others are using. [4]
3.Selection Practices
3.1 Reference Check
The company will ask the applicants’ referees to answer questions about applicants’ previous work performance, skills, and behavior at work. [5] For the labor laws, there is no specific provision in Brazilian labor laws, either prohibiting employer to background check on prospective employees. The federal constitution is protecting the citizens’ personal information and also prohibits any kind of discrimination.[7]
3.2 Selection Decision and Offer
The selection panel of Brazilian companies will identify the most qualified candidate form all the applicants. When the applicant has been selected for the role, the representative of the recruitment team will send an employment offer and also will answer the question that applicants’ have. The companies will also tell those applicants, who are unchosen by the job, do not be discouraged. The company will check the previous applicants’ profiles when there are new career opportunities within the companies. [5]
4.Miscellaneous information:
4.1Hiring is Not Cheap
Paying to an employee in Brazil is a lot more than anywhere else in the world because the owners have to pay insurance, transportation, food, social security, and government taxes. [7]The owner also pays bonuses such as Christmas bonuses. It is the 13thsalary in a year.It is compulsory for employers in Brazil to pay for an employee’s transportation costs and provide meals for those working 8 hours a day.Every employee in brazil has the right to take 30 days off after 12 months of work. [8]
4.2 Parental Leave
Women who are pregnant have the right to take maternity leave his leave is normally four months. During these four months, pregnant women will still receive a monthly salary paid by social security. Men can have the right to leave when their child is born. The leaving is normally for five days. They will also get paid for absent days. [8]
4.3 Usual Working Hour
In Brazil, employees cannot work more than 44 hours per week. Therefore, the employee usually works 8 hours per day from Monday to Friday. Then, employees can work four more hours on weekends. However, many companies do not require their employees to work on Saturdays. Some telephone operators and receptionists can only 6 hours a day. [8]
[1]Anon, Brazil Facts for Kids: Brazil Attractions: Geography: Food: People. For Kids | Brazil Attractions | Geography | Food | People. Available at: [Accessed November 13, 2019].
[2]Anon, 2018. The World Factbook: Brazil. Central Intelligence Agency. Available at: [Accessed November 13, 2019].
[3]Anon, Available at: [Accessed November 13, 2019].
[4]Maria et al., 2018. How to recruit in Brazil? An HR guide. Jobboard Finder News. Available at: [Accessed November 13, 2019].
[5] Anon, Recruitment Process. SGS Brazil. Available at: [Accessed November 13, 2019].
[6] Team, S.D., The Top 5 Recruitment Channels in Brazil. SmartDreamers Recruitment Marketing Automation. Available at: [Accessed November 13, 2019].
[7] Anon, 2019. Hiring Practices in Brazil. L&E Global Knowledge Centre. Available at: [Accessed November 13, 2019].
[8]Fujikawa, C. & Fujikawa, C., 7 Things to Consider Before Hiring in Brazil. The Brazil Business. Available at: [Accessed November 13, 2019].
[9] Anon, Brazil Map, and Satellite Image. Geology. Available at: [Accessed November 13, 2019].
[10] Anon, Recruitment, and Human Resources. Establish. Available at: [Accessed November 13, 2019].