Media Evaluation

College Campuses Must Reopen in the Fall. Here’s How We Do It – Christina Paxson

The New York Times is a popular and highly trusted news magazine. With over 130 million subscribers it reaches a significant portion of the news magazine’s audience population. In this particular article: College Campuses Must Reopen in the Fall. Here’s How We Do It is written by Christina Paxson, the president of Brown University. Paxson is an American economist as well as public health expert, making her qualified to discuss Covid-19’s impact on university campuses and suggestions of how to safely keep schools open. In this article, she proposes that online learning may limit the number of students attending and succeeding in post-secondary saying that “the reopening of college and university campuses must be a national priority”(Paxson, 2020). Paxson speaks her opinion in clear favour of reopening schools but supports herself with evidence while also exploring the arguments of the opposing opinion. She acknowledges the benefits of online learning but calls for the support of student mental health and the school economy. 


 Paxson, Christina. “College Campuses Must Reopen in the Fall. Here’s How We Do It.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 26 Apr. 2020,