Barbara Stauffacher Solomon is a landscape architect and graphic designer in California. And she is known for being a Supergraphic pioneer.
Stauffacher was born in 1928 in San Francisco and studied painting and sculpture at the San Francisco Art Institute. In 1948, Stauffacher shortly married the filmmaker Frank Stauffacher up until early death in 1956. After this, Stauffacher moved to Basel, Switzerland, to study graphic design at the Basel Art Institute with (famous Swiss Graphic Designer) Armin Hoffman, and then went on to studying Architecture at the University of California, Berkley.
After schooling, Stauffacher met and got hired by (landscape architect) Lawrence Halprin to work at Sea Ranch in 1968 to design the logo and design architectural scale paintings for the interiors of the building and used her “vocabulary of signs” to create motion and awareness of space. This job eventually led Stauffacher to lead a Supergraphics studio in 1968, where she got to design many large, colourful, minimalistic supergraphic prints in buildings, making her the blueprint for many future supergraphic designers.