Bruce Mau is a Canadian Designer, educator, and author, who has his artworks featured in architecture, museums, film, and more.
Mau was born in Pembroke, Ontario, in 1959 and lived in Sudbury, where his high school art teacher influenced him to study art in college. Mau took his teacher’s advice and went to the Ontario College of Art & Design in Toronto and studying advertising. Mau also left school early to join the Fifty Fingers design group for two years in the 80s. After joining the Fifty Fingers, Mau went to the U.K. to join Pentagram and later returned to Toronto to start his studio, Bruce Mau Design.
Bruce Mau partakes in creating Supergraphics, such as his beautifully designing the interiors of the Seattle Public Library with large digital and spacial typography to direct people through the building. Mau was also the design director of Zone Books and was a creative director for the I.D. magazine.
Mau is a very well-rounded designer who’s trying to change the design world for the better, especially with his book “Massive Change,” which entails making positive and sustainable designs. He’s always thinking about how his art impact people; this is why he’s such a great designer.