As a group we began verbally brainstorming ideas of possible scenarios that our person (Colin Jones) might find himself in.
The first idea we stuck on was about Instagram as Colin is an avid user on the app. From there we discussed Colins process on Instagram; how he got from point A to point B and what was the result.
Our second and third idea were surrounded more the idea of him as a student. We decided on a set up of booths around the campus, and with Colin being more of a visual person, we thought it would fit best if it was nice looking merchandise that would intice him to visit a booth. From there, we leaned on Colins interest into activism and self-betterment to follow through the story line.
As a group, it was understood that we wanted to create a negative scenario. Knowing that it couldn’t be the topic or the visuals that would turn Colin away from Global goals, we created an outsider variable. It would then be a mixture of bad timing and an annoying person that would through Colin off of global goals.

We then added the emotions felt to each box.

After discussing with the team, we decided on option 2 as it gave us both a dynamic story to tell and illustrate.