Survey 3: Block Books and Baroque (1450-1750)

The 9 Year War

The Not So Sunny King

The Baroque period was an exciting and new time to be alive, especially for those who were of noble blood and enjoyed wearing uncomfortable extravagant clothing, but also for those who felt the desire to move away from the power of the churches. For in this era which is known as the “enlightenment” period people from all walks of life began to have more freedom. An example of this is for artists, they were able to start creating for their own pleasure and not just for the churches. There was more wealth distributed throughout the country and therefore more artists could survive off of commission from wealthy patrons. One of those patrons being the one and only, SunKing.

Louis XIV was a ruthless leader and he believed that his word was law. Although he did do some great things for France. One thing that he did was commission scientists to invent a new type known as the Kings Roman. It took them 10 years to create this completely geometrically calculated type. This type is still used today…which is pretty amazing.

Kings Roman Typography

Okay, so what. He did a couple of good things for France as a country and actually all in all he was a fair ruler. But did he have to be so war hungry?

Louis XIV: The SunKing

He brought France to the height of its power and dominated the rest of Europe. He created many laws, and advanced politics and due to the brilliance of his court became known as the Sun King. But its no doubt that he was still a pompous arrogant leader.


Louis XIV went to three major wars in his life. One the War of Devolution in (1667-1668). A triple alliance made France back out of Spain and give back the land, this is known as the Treat of Aix-la-Chapelle. This did put the Dutch Republic in France’s black book. Which lead to isolation in France’s Foreign affairs.

This lead to what’s known as the Franco-Dutch War (1672-78). France and a couple of other countries went against the Dutch Republic. Not to go into too much detail, but everyone wanted power back then and they always had a reason to go on fighting. After a while, though everyone gets sick of it and comes to a new treaty. France took over Franche-Comte and the Spanish Netherlands, making France Europes strongest power.

A decade later, the Nine Year War happened. This included many players who all came against France. France was the most powerful monarch in Europe but due to the wars and his short temper and bad behaviour, this all lead to the deterioration of his military and political dominance. He crossed too many people and had to pay for it. Due to all the wars, France was coming to an economic crisis. So the countries at war negotiated and Louis accepted William 3 of England. Soon after another conflict arose and this lead to the final war, the War of the Spanish Succession.

XIR473636 Louis XIV at the Siege of Besançon in May 1674 (oil on canvas) by Martin, Pierre-Denis (1663-1742); 72 x 116.7 cm


Louis XIV. (2017). In Encyclopaedia Britannica, Britannica concise encyclopedia. Britannica Digital Learning. Credo Reference:

The monarchy made Majestic (1598-1789). (2010). In P. F. State, A brief history of France. Facts On File. Credo Reference:

Encyclopedia of the age of revolution and empire (1750 to 1900). (2016). In Facts on File (Ed.), World history: a comprehensive reference set. Facts On File. Credo Reference:

Gombrich, E. H. (1966). The story of art. New York: Phaidon Publishers; distributed by Oxford University Press.

Louis XIV, King of France. (2018). In P. Lagasse, & Columbia University, The Columbia encyclopedia (8th ed.). Columbia University Press. Credo Reference:

Photography Reference: sunking

History of typography: Transitional

Louis XIV at the Siege of Besançon in May 1674 (oil on canvas). (2014). In Bridgeman Images (Ed.), Bridgeman images: The Bridgeman Art Library. Bridgeman. Credo Reference:

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