In this assignment, I recreated the human anatomy drawings by Leonardo da Vinci. This project was very interesting to approach the first visualized human anatomy records.
I thought it was one of the examples of visual communication because it was a material that visually shows the process of people digging into the mysteries of the human body one by one in the past. And I was also interested in anatomy, and wanted to follow what people in the past tried to get the information they are now.

I made an efficient and good display with using less amount of materials. I only used paper, pen, and watercolor for my works and I think I reproduced it well in a good quality. So overall for this project, I would give myself 9.6/10.
I made a bunch of Leonardo da Vinci’s human anatomy works and organized it like a blueprint so that it looks like someone is studying a lot of things on the desk.
I used newsprint paper to make it like old paper and made the edges of the paper wear out with scissors. Just as Leonardo observed the human body delicately, I tried to copy his drawing as much as possible. I wanted to express that someone continuing to record during the anatomical study, so I added some red & brown water-colour drop and made it looks like a blood. I focused on the direction of the line and each of the body’s features. Based on these copies, I thought about various compositions and considered creating a mysterious and scientific atmosphere when taking photographs of them.
I couldn’t precisely copy Leonardo’s high observation and painting skills, especially the inverted left and right letters. Still, I could feel how sincere he was in anatomy during the handmade work and required elaborate observation.