1925 – 1930 The Great Purge, The Great Terror, Year of ’37, and the Yezhovschina all used to describe one blood curdling time in the history of USSR where numerous were killed without any reason openly in front of judges,… Continue Reading →
For my infographic, I decided to explore the different type classifications and their characteristics. I used black in the background, so the names and other information stands out to the viewer. I tried to make it casual and friendly because… Continue Reading →
Coins are a window into a place’s culture, trade relations, prominent figures, and so much more. Coins reveal a lot more about a state and also influence how the country is perceived outside. It’s almost like the design on the… Continue Reading →
1895 – 1905 Have you ever been to a theatre? Hmm, if you have not, then have you ever seen a movie? Even if you have not, then have you seen a gif or any other moving image on a… Continue Reading →
A Zine is a short magazine that explores a particular theme or topic. In this zine, I studied the typeface, Cooper Black. Cooper Black is an old-style font, so I decided to use the old manuscript colors and make the… Continue Reading →
1750-1850 Napoleon Bonaparte: The man who killed many or a hero for France? On 2nd December 1804, Napoleon decided to crown himself as the emperor of France; that’s when French history changes forever, for better or worse, in my opinion,… Continue Reading →
1450-1750 The period- 1450-1750- was witness to rapid development in art, science, and various other fields. There was also the plague that left a trail of death and pain wherever it went. The plague, also known as the ‘Black Death,’… Continue Reading →
To view the board, please click here. I was in the Survey 8 timeline group for this project. I decided to base my study upon Theo van Doesburg launches the De Stijl movement, the invention of band-aids, and the US… Continue Reading →
How language began in Mesopotamia: Learning all about ancient civilizations that discovered and made the alphabet made me realize the importance of history and the struggle our ancestors would go through without a common language. It seems impossible to spend… Continue Reading →
The artwork has a very light and colorful personality on a dark background. I feel like that is an ideal representation of who I am and how I carry myself. The theme is ‘personal expression’ because I was exploring myself… Continue Reading →
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