Wassily Kandinsky 1866-1944

Composition VII, 1913


Wassily Kandinsky was a Russian painter as well as an art theorist. Initially, Kandinsky was studying law and economics at the University of Moscow and was considered quite skilled in this profession. It was until he rediscovered his talent and passion for painting where he made the decision to pursue art as a dominant force in his career path. Later in his life, he had moved to France where he created a lot of his well-known pieces of art. Many of his earlier pieces clearly demonstrated the shift from impressionism to expressionism. Slowly, he developed a style that is iconic and holds true to his name. Kandinsky is known to be one of the first artists to produce heavily abstract paintings during his time. I personally enjoy his new perspective in art through abstraction. The way that he is able to express feelings and emotions through the movement of a line, or the colour of a shape is what intrigues me. Also, with the intense collage of shapes, colours and movement he is still able to create a dynamic balance in each of his pieces.

Points, 1920

Circles in a Circle, 1923

Composition IX, 1936



One thought on “Wassily Kandinsky 1866-1944

  1. Abi,

    Nice work on Kandinsky! He was one of the first purely abstract painters. You seem to have connected with his work which is the reason for doing this. Good job and keep it up.


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