Additive Combinations: The additive combination where words amplify or elaborate on an image or vice versa. In parallel combinations, words and pictures seem to follow very different courses–without intersecting.
Bleeding: Images that run outside the border of the panel. They do not contain time.
Closure: Is the act of mentally filling in the gaps we observe. Readers can comprehend space between panels.
Comics: Juxtaposed pictorials and other deliberate images in sequences.
Doodling: To help the mind focus by making random marks that have not much meaning.
Gutter: The space between comics. Space where meaning is made by connecting one panel to the next.
Icon: It’s like a verb. It represents a person, place, thing, or idea. It is very important!
Mono-sensory medium: Only using one sense. Comics rely on using only one sense to be comprehended.
Pictorial: Something expressed in a picture or illustration. (feelings expressed in a pictorial form)
Synaesthetics: A sensation in one part of the body produced by stimulation in another. Visual cues being used to express feeling in other senses.
Zip Ribbon: Common in super hero comics. Indicates objects moving through space.
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