When Creating my mood board I started by planning out the steps in which I would work. First I would do all my research. Next I would write out my first topics for an event, and then I would put it all together in InVision. I did this for each of the three stretches of time I was researching. Once I was done I found two examples for each time period of design which I thought represented what I was talking about really well. I decided to make colour palettes for each event because one of my topics was colour, so it gave an immediate look at that. however, I also think the colour palettes set an overall tone for what the artistic style, and social and political climate is for each event. I would probably give myself an 8 to an 8.5 out of 10. While I think it met all the requirements and was visually appealing and had good Information in it, I could have done a little more writing and perhaps provided a few more examples. I think my writing itself was good, however certain parts sounded a bit in cohesive. Overall I think I did fairly well on this assignment and I also found that I learned a lot doing it!