Because they’re encrypted!
The first storytellers:
Communication, the first of things that naturally developed since that day everything started! Humans have been drawing and depicting images since the beginning of time, the first form of ‘writing’ dating back to nearly 32000 years ago! While we may not be able to understand and decipher everything about ancient prehistoric art, these symbols called hieroglyphics were the building blocks to the start of today’s languages, writing, and communication.

Hieroglyphics had to start somewhere!
Cave paintings are the oldest known form of communication. Following closely behind cam pictograms which later evolved into ideograms. After this is when hieroglyphics came into play. Egyptians used hieroglyphics to capture ideas, as well as a way to write down religious scripts, create the first governmental documents, and record-keeping. Something I find interesting is that the term hieroglyphics is the translation for “sacred carving”.
Handprint, bird, leg, silhouette, squiggly-line, a diamond with arms riding a broomstick???
Egyptian hieroglyphic writing was composed entirely of pictures.