From Goffman

“These situation terms can easily be related to conventional structural ones. When an individual or performer plays the same part to the same audience on different occasions, a special relationship is likely to arise. Defining social role as the enactment of rights and duties attached to a given status, we can say that social role will involve one or more parts and that each of these different parts may be presented by kinds of audience or to an audience of the same persons.” (Goffman 1956, 9)

I chose this quotation from Goffman’s The Presentation of Self for the reason that I found it the most intriguing to read. Going through the reading one last time, I feel that even though the information isn’t necessarily new, it’s interesting to reflect and think about the ways in which I change the way I present myself in different social settings. I enjoyed this reading because I genuinely resonate with it. Being someone who endures various social settings on the daily, I find that I am subconsciously analyzing the way others present themselves to different people. Now knowing about this reading, I think I will be thinking about it when I notice a change in someone’s presentation of self.

ENGL 100

Going into an English course in a university setting was a little bit intimidating at first if I’m going to be honest. I think I was feeling this way because I didn’t feel as though the high school curriculum had supported me in a way that benefited my writing skills. I have always struggled with understanding and reading academic material, despite genuinely liking the concepts and ideas given that had been assigned to us.

That being said, I did thoroughly enjoy this class! Regardless of the class being challenging, it pushed me to want to understand, to want to learn and improve my comprehension skills, to want to be able to prove my learning by being able to have discussions about the material given. The course benefited me because it put my reading skills into practice; having to repetitively look at academically written material pushed me out of my comfort zone! I loved a lot of the concepts and enjoyed discussions throughout the term. In the end, I can proudly say that I’m taking away helpful knowledge, perspectives, and self-reflecting abilities, as well as improved reading and writing skills!

About Me

Chelsea Woo, a first-year student studying at Capilano University in Vancouver, BC. She is currently enrolled in Capilano University’s IDEA School of Design Program, with her goal of achieving a degree in Design and Visual Communication. Chelsea is learning to expand her skills, build an impressive portfolio and gain industry experience. Chelsea also loves and has a knack for the musical aspect of the arts as well. She enjoys spending her free time creating on-the-spot compositions on piano and seeing friends and family. She is excited to improve her creative strengths and grow an understanding of business skills to prepare for a career in visual design.