Starting from the beginning
Bi Sheng (990-1051) created the first known movable type structures and systems in China around 1045 AD using ceramic materials made of a mixture of clay and glue which would harden by baking. Movable type was never widely used in China because whole-block printing was less expensive. However, movable type revolutionized the communication of ideas int Europe during the 15th century.
Moving on to movable type! Moveable type advanced to cast-metal movable type and began to be used in Korea in the early 13th century. It is believed that the first of font making to have been started and cast there in the 1230’s. Typography wasn’t developed too much while Bi Sheng was alive but started developing in the West later on.

Brush strokes are trendy and in!
Before mass production, in China, calligraphy was the mainly used for writing. Calligraphy was mainly practiced by scholars and was one of the six arts to be mastered in order to be the Chinese equivalent of a Renaissance man. Calligraphers would paint in styles the emperors liked.

We have a printing machine it’s not witchcraft! – In Living Colour
The first known colour printing is used in “Mainz Psalter” put together around 1450, which was a book containing a collection of psalms. Colours in this time were not yet bright, extravagant, or full, but just additional aspects to books. In the Psalter, black, red, and blue ink were used. The use of colour was added to highlight some words, or paragraphs!
This invention of colour printing is eventutlly led to the creation of the the Gutenberg Bible. Gutenberg (who was first man to make press print) finishes printing around 160 and 185 copies of his first 42-line bible, which is referred to as the Gutenberg Bible, since he is the one in creation of it. The test is set using a Gothic type font, a style which mimics handwriting. Movable type had already been used in the East, however, what Gutenberg did was bring relief printing, woodblock printing, and movable type together.

Isn’t it amazing how these aincent methods turn into the modern technology we know today? From the creating the first movable type to typewriters, then moving to computers and keboards.