Lost Treasure of World War 2
I was tasked to create a freewheelin’ spread set in 1930-1945. I have opted to cover the lost and stolen treasures of World War II.
I decided to pick this topic mainly because I wanted an excuse to use gold and silver acrylic inks that I have yet to deploy. I feel like the lost and stolen treasure (mainly gold) would be a perfect fit for this endeavour. As most of the information about the lost plunders of World War II is left to rumour and local legend, I decided to do a surreal-esque landscape depicting a variety of these mysteries as I think it adds to the uncertainty of their existences.

Problems I ran into were:
- The scan quality of the metallics
- I can’t colour in pencil crayon
- Lots of other elements were added as easter eggs could have used a bit more explanation
- Copy writing and text formatting
- Final execution left much to be desired
- Tiny Title
Things I felt I did well:
- Overall concept and theme
- Composition
- Nazi Gold Train
I would grade this work an 7/10 as I was not successful in rendering my vision for this spread and did not take as much time as I would have liked to consider the copy.