Imogen Pettyfer


Historical Artifact

Crystal Palace Description Crystal Palace was a grand piece of architecture in its day. Made of glass and iron, the palace was made for London’s great exhibition of 1851. It was Prince Albert,…

Blog Post 3: Camille Pissarro

French Impressionist painter, Camille Pissarro, was a significant artist during his lifetime. (from 1830 to 1903). He is one of the oldest and most methodical artists of the impressionist movement and was often…

Survey 6

Georges Claude Invented Neon Lights (1902) In 1898, Neon (NE), was first successfully separated from the atmosphere as a singular gas. While chemists were celebrating a new element, and French chemist and inventor…

Typography Zine

Times New Roman Design Rational The reason I chose Times New Roman was originally because of its versatility throughout other languages and “glyphs”. I have always loved the Grecian letterforms and Times New…

Blog Post 2: Caspar David Friedrich

Caspar David Friedrich was a German landscape painter for the Romanticism Movement of the nineteenth century. As a young boy, he often encountered death through his family. First his mother died when he…

Survey 4

Steam and the Speed of Light James Watt Patented the Steam Engine The first steam engines were made by Thomas Savery to conclude on a very common problem, the removal of water from…

Survey 3

Block Books and Baroque French Rococo Style Rococo originated in Paris, France in the early 18th century. The French Rococo style was used in many different forms of art and design such as painting…

Mood Board Assignment: Survey 8

Click the link below to view my Invison board.—Mood-Board-ckg05npio00g416xb2wjap416 Mood Board Revised The three events I have chosen to research and write about despite their differences and similarities, exhibit the beginning of modern and…

Blog Post 1: Parmigianino

Parmigianino’s meticulous style went a long way to be a part of how Italian art was finally accepted in high society. In contrast to current and traditional beauty of the time, Parmigianino preferred…

Survey 1

Handprints and Handwriting Cave of Altamira Altamira located in Spain, was first discovered by accident, by a hunter in 1868. The cave was visited again in 1876, by a noble man, Marcelino Sanz…