Imogen Pettyfer

Category: ENG 100

COVID-19 Effects on Migration and Globalization

Abstract Globalization has been around since the very beginning of civilization. From slavery to now low-wage workers, people have always been on the move either by force or to find new opportunities. In…

A Reflection of Myself

Who am I? Well, I don’t really know if I’m being completely honest. I go to school at Capilano University, studying communication design, and before that, at BCIT studying project management as well…

Week 3: Synthesis Essay

The Expression of Lost Time Through Creative Minds  This paper is based on Salman Rushdie’s and Edward Said’s articles and their views on the relationship between the experience of being displaced and creative…

Week 2: Objective Summary

Media’s Contribution to the Migrant Crisis Summary Paragraph to Daniel Trilling’s Article “How the Media Contributed to the Migrant Crisis”. In Trilling’s article, he talks about how the media and actions of the…

Week 1: Myself as a Writer

Asynronous Assignment 1 I am currently in the bachelor’s degree program for communication design here at Capilano University and I would describe myself as a very direct writer. Over my years of interest…