Welcome to a 15-week journey into
the beginnings of visual communication!

We all see the world differently.  

As visual communicators, our goal is to be able to see the world from many different perspectives. We learn to see through the eyes of others and understand their different perspectives. A great visual example of seeing things differently is the Rorschach Test.  


Named after its creator, Swiss psychologist Hermann Rorschach, this test was developed to help understand a person’s psyche. The way we perceive objects, shapes, scenery, people, and words relates to things we have seen and heard in our lived experience. We have all experienced life differently, and so how we see it is different too.

Another visual example of seeing things differently is how we perceive the world through art. Artists have their own unique ways of interpreting the world and their responses to it. Similarly, those viewing their art will perceive the art based on their own feelings and experiences.

Picasso, 1913

Understanding the experiences and perspectives of others requires EMPATHY. (The ability to identify with or understand another’s situation or feelings.) 

We all interpret the world around us differently. Each of us has our own viewpoint. We will learn a lot in this class about how the history of design intersects with the history of the world. Each of you will perceive what we learn differently. Discussing our thoughts and opinions as we go will make us more empathetic to each others’ perspective.

Tasks to complete before next week:


Here is one high school students’ perspective on the evolution of mankind  (circa 2012). What world events have most changed your view of the world?

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOCUuEaxCY0013YPnl0BJPQ  (circa 2012) 


Assignments: (see assignments tab in 141)

  • Complete project 1 (yearbook spread)
    Check-in at least 2 times during the first week with your workgroup.
  • Ensure your CapU eportfolio blog is set up.

If you have any questions/comments/concerns about any of the materials please post them on the Teams W1 posts page.

Optional extras:

Ted Talks: David Christian’s History of the World

See you next week