Personally, this project was difficult to understand and execute and if I’m being completely honest, I don’t think I did it right. However, as I have never made a mood-board before, I found that InVision was relatively easy to understand. I decided to research the events of The Great Exhibition in London, the American Civil War, and the concept of gendered colour coding in the mid to late 1800s.
I found myself having to reverse research in order to find events to look into further. Although the period of time I had to research had a variety of events to choose from, I felt extremely limited due to an event having to be associated with very specific topics in each group, then having the options be cut down every time I solidify topics for an event.
I would give myself a 5/10 for this assignment because I was working in confusion and doubt majority of the time, which makes me unsure about the final result of this mood-board.